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Scraping IMDB with Ruby and Hpricot

By Peter Cooper / April 6, 2007


Tim from We Heart Code has written an easy-to-follow, detailed tutorial about scraping data from the Internet Movie Database using Ruby and Hpricot. As I would have suspected, Peter Szinek, developer of ScRUBYt! presents an even simpler solution in the comments.


  1. Daniel Berger says:

    Does IMDb not have a backend interface of any sort?

  2. Tim says:

    You can download plain text files of IMDB, however I believe the only web API is available on a pay-per-play basis.

  3. Peter Cooper says:

    They have a whole database you can download, I believe. I think IMDB was just chosen as an 'example' in this case. It's really a demonstration of how to scrape anything structured.

  4. Peter Cooper says:

    (As Tim said.. didn't see till moderation :))

  5. Ben says:

    why not use ? its restfull, its implemented in rails and it's free :)

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