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7 Video Presentations From The WindyCityRails 2009 Conference

By Andy Atkinson / October 6, 2009

windycityrails.png The 1-day WindyCityRails conference happened again this year, this time in downtown Chicago at the Westin Hotel on September 12. Reviews were generally positive with the conference sessions balancing immediately-useful Ruby and Rails tips with related concepts like functional programming and design. All of the main track sessions were professionally recorded and are available through the official website, though I've linked to each of them individually below as well:

Better Ruby through Functional Programming by Dean Wampler – Dean Wampler is author of Programming Scala. He introduced functional programming concepts and how to implement them in Ruby.

Super-easy PDF Generation with Prawn and Prawnto by John McCaffreyPDF generation is a complex feature and John described various types and recommended particular tools for each type.

Comics Is Hard: On Domains and Databases by Ben Scofield – Modeling certain domains with relational data stores breaks down quickly. Ben described two and briefly discussed SQL-less alternatives that work better.

UI Fundamentals for Programmers by Ryan Singer – Ryan advocated "designing first" when building applications and offered examples of design principles in action from his work at 37Signals.

How To Test Absolutely Anything (in Rails) by Noel Rappin – Noel is author of Rails Test Prescriptions. His talk was a practical walkthrough of how to test each application tier, even view testing and JavaScript testing.

Optimizing Perceived Performance by David Eisinger – David gave a humorous talk about an example Rails and jQuery application he built that demonstrates responsive user interface patterns. The dbdb application is on github.

Rails 3 Update by Yehuda Katz – Yehuda’s session was last. He discussed framework design in a general and how the Rails core team has addressed keeping Rails 3 easy to learn while adding new features. New features were discussed in brief and Yehuda mentioned that an alpha version of Rails 3 may be available in October.

One of the nice things about conferences is getting to meet some prominent figures in the community, and WindyCityRails was no exception! Thanks to the organizers for a solid event. For more conference coverage check my blog post.

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