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HappyMapper: Easy XML / Object Mapping for Rubyists

By Peter Cooper / November 20, 2008

happy-xml.jpg HappyMapper is John Nunemaker's attempt at "making XML fun again" for Rubyists by providing an object to XML mapping library with a succinct syntax. Essentially, you can use HappyMapper to rapidly turn XML into Ruby objects - even nesting them inside and referring to each other. This is powerful stuff. To install, just gem install happymapper

John's own examples are powerful demonstrations of how it works, so check them out. The first is parsing the XML returned from Twitter. The statues and associated users in that XML can be processed (with the relationship maintained) with the following code:

class User
  include HappyMapper

  element :id, Integer
  element :name, String
  element :screen_name, String
  element :location, String
  element :description, String
  element :profile_image_url, String
  element :url, String
  element :protected, Boolean
  element :followers_count, Integer

class Status
  include HappyMapper

  element :id, Integer
  element :text, String
  element :created_at, Time
  element :source, String
  element :truncated, Boolean
  element :in_reply_to_status_id, Integer
  element :in_reply_to_user_id, Integer
  element :favorited, Boolean
  has_one :user, User

statuses = Status.parse(xml_string)
statuses.each do |status|
  puts, status.user.screen_name, status.text, status.source, ''

Added: Or.. how about a similar library that doesn't require naming the elements to work (but then lacks typecasting)? Check out xml-object by Jordi Bunster.


  1. Daniel Berger says:

    This library has clearly challenged Hpricot for coolest icon between angle brackets. I smell a showdown.

  2. Peter Cooper says:

    lol - I'm afraid not! This one was just a quick hack-up of my own doing for the post :)

  3. John Nunemaker says:

    Ha! I actually like the icon too. If you have a non cropped version I'll use it on the post and give you props. :)

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