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Indonesian Official Ruby Web Site Launched

By Hendy Irawan / August 4, 2007

(English translation of the text below follows)

Situs Resmi Ruby Indonesia telah diluncurkan. Jadi sekarang telah tersedia 9 terjemahan dalam situs web Ruby, belum termasuk beberapa lagi yang masih dalam pengerjaan.

Programmer Indonesia yang menyukai Ruby semakin banyak, berdiskusi menggunakan wadah milis id-ruby, yang sekarang sudah semakin ramai.

Adanya situs ini diharapkan dapat semakin membantu kemajuan Ruby dan teknologi di tanah air tercinta. Selain berisi materi yang terdapat di situs Ruby versi Inggris, situs ini juga menyediakan materi-materi yang spesifik terhadap komunitas Ruby di Indonesia.

Tim pelaksana proyek ini terdiri dari Arie Kusuma Atmaja, Yohanes Santoso, dan Hendy Irawan.


Official Ruby web site in Bahasa Indonesia has been launched.
This brings the total number of translations available for the entire Ruby web site to 9 languages, in addition to several more translation projects that are still in progress.

The number Indonesian developers interested in Ruby has been growing, discussing topics through the id-ruby mailing list which is now more active than ever.

Native Indonesian translation of the Ruby official site is hoped to be beneficial to both Ruby and development of technology in Indonesia. In addition to standard content, the Indonesian site also provides Indonesian-specific materials and resources.

The team for this translation project consists of Arie Kusuma Atmaja, Yohanes Santoso, and Hendy Irawan.

Update: Typo fix.

About Hendy Irawan

Ruby programmer from Indonesia. View all posts by Hendy Irawan →


  1. Pingback: Web 2.0 with Ruby on Rails

  2. gerry leo nugroho says:

    Eventually, the id-ruby has made their marks on the global ruby community, congratulation guys.

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