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PeepCode Releases The “Meet Rails 3″ Screencast Series

By Peter Cooper / December 12, 2010

meet-rails-3.png Ruby screencasting supremo Geoffrey Grosenbach has unveiled PeepCode's new Meet Rails 3 series. There are two parts so far, clocking in at 75 and 92 minutes respectively - they're $12 each or "free" if you have a PeepCode Unlimited subscription.

Geoffrey has pulled out all of the stops to produce his slickest and best produced screencasts yet. Striking effects abound and he's perfected the art of producing memorable yet straightforward diagrams to demonstrate the points he makes. This is a great way to get onto the Rails 3 wagon if you haven't yet tried.

Straight from the horse's mouth:

The "Meet Rails 3" series is for anyone who is comfortable with any programming language, but wants to learn Ruby on Rails. It starts with a brief introduction to the Ruby language and adds a gentle tutorial on the basic concepts of Rails 3. Part II surges forward with models, views, and controllers to build a simple but stylish project management application.

As always, both videos reflect hours and hours of attention to the details, useful tips and tricks, and brand new visuals developed specifically for this series. Our previous series for Rails 1 and 2 were what made PeepCode viable as a business and this series has already started selling at a steady clip as well.

Geoffrey Grosenbach

He also notes that PeepCode is also selling Jeremy McAnally's fine "Rails 3 Upgrade Handbook" which we reviewed on Rails Inside a while back.

But there's another option too - if you'd prefer a 15+ hour compendium of screencasts with an "over the shoulder" perspective of every part of developing multiple Rails 3 apps, as well as an e-book covering the same material, check out Michael Hartl's similarly awesome (which we reviewed here). It's not directly comparable to Geoffrey's work but might suit some people better. Options are always good!


  1. Ken Paulsen says:

    The timing for this couldn't have been any better. Having just finished a 6 month introductory course to .NET, I have been looking for a source to update me on the latest in Rails 3.
    I have also watched some of PeepCode's screencasts and found the quality to be excellent and well worth the modest price, so I will definitely spend some holiday hours on this series.

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