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Rails 2.1 Release Candidate 1 Released

By Peter Cooper / May 12, 2008

Hours ago, David Heinemeier Hansson announced informally on Twitter:

Rails 2.1 RC1 has been tagged, the gems are on the beta server, official announcement shortly. But no need holding you back from trying it.

New features include built-in timezone support, Gem dependencies, better caching, and more.

To get Rails 2.1 RC1 from the beta gems server, just use:

sudo gem install rails --source

If you prefer to go native, Ryan Bates of Railscasts has already produced a screencast showing how to install Rails 2.1 RC1 using Git.

To keep up with the community chatter about Rails 2.1, check out this search for "Rails 2.1" on Twitter Summize. There's already a lot of activity.

This post is sponsored by Rails Kits — Looking to build a subscription-based or membership web site with Rails? Use the SaaS Rails Kit to skip having to write the billing code. Instead of starting from scratch, start with subscription management and recurring billing all ready to go.


  1. Randal L. Schwartz says:

    Have you looked at Seaside ( I thought I might try Rails, but I bet I'm going to be much happier with Seaside.

  2. Peter Cooper says:

    Seaside is very cool; it's just a shame it's built on Smalltalk.

  3. Gerardo Santna says:

    What's wrong with Smalltalk?

    Ruby owes Smalltalk many things.

  4. Peter Cooper says:

    There's nothing, on the surface, "wrong" with it. It's just not a language I know or desire to learn (at this point). If you know Smalltalk, it's probably great to use. It's a bit like asking a Christian, what's wrong with Islam? Well, nothing, except they've already made a choice.

  5. AkitaOnRails says:

    I've just released the first comprehensive Rails 2.1 Tutorial,

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -


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